[Okay - so blogging isn't exactly like showering, I don't feel the need to make it a daily ritual, unless the Blogging Gods haunt me in my sleep. I had to shake the dust off this baby. NK is active again... for now.]
Life has been... fair. Turkey Day was good. Christmas was good. New Year was good. E gave me memory again - a 1GB card for my Drebel. (He got me 512MB extra RAM for my laptop on our first Valentine's Day. Points for originality?) Chinese New Year sucked - I missed home like crazy. Emilie's back in France, Le came and went, C threw several fab parties, I did my part and hosted a fondue & martini night for January's installment of Girl's Night. Pittsburgh won the Superbowl, drunk shirtless high school kids frolicked on the streets. Got ballsy in the kitchen and experimented with a bunch of food - Peking duck, sushi, claypot rice, Hainanese Chicken Rice, dofu fa, sweet and savory French crepes, etc. Took a road trip to Niagara Falls for Valentine's Day, and did the Niagara Wine Trail by Lake Ontario. Kitty grew fat.
I ended up getting the book about Herge, Tintin's creator, from a woman at work. E suffered from momentary insanity and bought me a jingly trinket (Chococat) for my cell phone. BSG resumed its season on SciFi and I'm hopelessly hooked on Jamie Griffith (hubba hubba!). My latest vice, sadly, is HGTV.
That was exciting. And now, the recap in pictures:
Pretty bird: Tweety, E's object of torture since childhood, turned 21 last Christmas (nobody believes he's still alive)
Stone Villa in the winter: Our favorite local winery's vineyard covered in snow and ice, sparkling in the setting sun
Orchid Fantasy: The conservatory had an orchid exhibition; we got up close and personal
Chocolate fondue: Our little test run
Pittsburgh Steelers won the Superbowl, mayhem ensues
Niagara Falls: Thousands of gallons per second less powerful than during the peak summer season, but still impressive
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