Corky and Tu Madre
We knew it was going to come to this: we have to decide if we want a second kitty. Pepper rubbed noses with Tu Madre, which I take to be a good sign. Two cats means one each for us to cuddle with on the couch. Pepper is pretty, Tu Madre is friendly. We have the means to take care of Tu Madre. Pepper might like a friend. But should we? E has been agonizing over this all weekend. (To be continued.)
Got a new phone - a sleek candy-bar Nokia. Dare I admit, it's also my first camera phone. Didn't need an upgrade for over 2 years, when my old trusty phone worked just fine (until I flung it down a flight of concrete steps). After envying the cool kids for so long, I'm finally catching up. To be fair, E got a new RAZR*, the object of his lust for some time.
*On a semi-related note, can you believe that the RAZR has become so iconical of this generation, a benchmark of today's technology and pop culture, that it's immortalized as a token in the new Monopoly? So have the Toyota Prius, and New Balance shoes... Corporate branding at its best.
I've been playing with the FM radio and camera. Practically like a neanderthal fascinated by fire. I hate to be a clueless twenty-something; I've a lot of catching up to do.
3 weeks and counting, still going strong. Spiffy's got well over a hundred miles on 'er now. 1 hour on the trainer everyday (medium-high resistance), 20 miles downtown and back on weekends. I can see and feel a difference; my goal is to eventually be strong enough to do a century ride. Won't be hopping on the triathlon bandwagon any time soon - not much of a runner, and I'm happy just treading in water. Still, this pedaling addiction feels pretty good and I'm feeling a growing sense of accomplishment.
This vid speaks to me. Aug 30th installment of the mrbrown show - of all people, I found out about it through Lee, my Taiwanese Singapore-schooled American-bred friend. I can relate on so many levels. (The episode with Hossan Leong is pretty funny too... wildly appropriate choice of song.)
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