Went to see the new musical in town last Thursday, The Light in the Piazza; it was out of obligation but I was glad I went. Good seats, and the music was fantastic. By Friday I was already feeling pretty crummy; still, E and I went to a Grey's Anatomy mini-marathon at Ling's, who TiVO'ed the last two riveting episodes of the latest 3-part story. We joked about wearing scrubs, masks, and tags like on the show - a red one for me (highly contagious) and yellow one for E. Even though I'm not an avid follower of the series, it's hard not to catch the buzz. Everybody there was a die-hard fan. Okay, so it's not bad.
Saturday was mostly spent recuperating on the futon. I promised E it was time to install Ubuntu in proper, so we dug around my baby's guts, partitioned the hard drive, and had a little installation party. I've officially initiated into the world of Linux and open source. *tiny cheer*
Spending a Saturday afternoon wrapped in a blanket, drinking hot tea and tinkering on computers became vaguely unsatisfying after a while. Bummed about not being able to spend the day in town, we brought the town to us - sushi takeout, Dozen cupcakes, and a tub of Coldstone ice-cream.
Ta-da! Dinner on the town
That evening I felt a ton better, good enough to accept Jennie's invitation to a late night pseudo stitch 'n bitch. Had to dust the cobwebs off my amateur scarf-knitting project I started last summer.
The hosts treated us to Mexican Ibarra hot chocolate with a splash of liquor (I went with Bailey's). The gals huddled around with their knitting needles, the guys with their laptops, and we decided to watch the 1968 classic, Barbarella. It was.. psychedelic. I tried picturing our parents watching this flick in their 20s, making peace signs and eating brownies. Kinda hard to take an erotic sci-fi film seriously, especially when the antagonist is named 'Durand Durand'. Jane Fonda was hot. I know we're grown-ups and all, but all that skin was more than we expected (for something made almost 40 years ago, anyway). Here's a clip of the opening sequence - the unveiling of the heroine, so to speak... the guys really enjoyed it. :)
We stayed up till 4am listening to David Bowie, talking, and knitting. Felt fine on Sunday, but crashed again on Monday.
On the bright side, spring is near! Can't wait for color to come back.
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