

As promised in my previous post - gorgeous yarn and a summer shawl in the making. It's a beaute! (Yarn: Colinette Parisienne, 70% kid mohair)



Crafty Side by side


Anonymous said...

hi~ i randomly stumbled upon your blog looking for "melitzanes imam". :) but, i noticed that you take some nice photos! do you mind sharing with me which camera and lens you use? i'm considering getting my first "real" lens for my canon rebel xti.

Meow said...

Thanks Linda! First of all, the melitzanes imam recipe on allrecipes.com is great - I really enjoyed it.

As for my photos, they are taken by a Canon Powershot and a Rebel. Yep, just plain ole' Rebel 300D, not even XT! It came 2nd-hand from a friend; the lens I use, believe it or not, is the 18-55mm kit lens (also 2nd hand, from a Fred Miranda buy/sell forum). On occasion, I take long-range photos with my el cheapo 75-300mm telephoto. I probably have the cheapest outfit of any DSLR photographer.

If I could spare the $, my perfect trio would be the 10-22mm, 24-70mm, and 70-200mm with IS. They say the 24-70mm is a great well-rounded piece of glass. I still consider myself an amateur and yet to have outgrown the kit lens; it's doing the job for me and I think it's underrated.

Good luck in your lens hunt!

Anonymous said...

hmm, i dunno where my previous comment went. it didn't seem to post.

thanks for the recs~ it's inspiring to know that you don't need all the fancy shmancy equipment to take great photos. goes to show that it's not the camera that makes the photo, but the photographer. i'm sure nice lenses and cameras certainly help, but it isn't what makes a photo great. :)

and yes! i did try the recipe. it was really good! i posted a photo of it on allrecipes. this one's a keeper. will have to make it again.