
Another weekend recap

Friday: Asian pear martini + mojito + honey wine! Not a bad way to start the weekend. Hung out with the Obi's again.

Saturday: Dinner with P and T; had a close encounter of the baby kind. T is 7 months along and we talked about everything from morning sickness to shape-shifting bellies to saying "heck" to the name game with the in-laws and naming the kid Zorton.

Sunday: Either I'm getting lazy, or I think pictures do a much better job than I can.

Phipps Conservatory

For years, it's been one of our favorite places to visit (and coincidentally, where we got married). They added a new tropical rainforest exhibit, which looks fab. Can't wait for the rest of the additions to be completed.



Thai spirit house in the rainforest exhibit

The rainforest exhibit

When we got home, we had fondue for dinner, then E curled up on the futon for some reading. Reading's a lot more fun with some company:

Reading Pal 2 Reading Pal 1

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