

Went to our first toga party evvver. Definitely too old for this, but it was somewhere on our list of Things to Do Before We Die, so we had to make an appearance... don't tell. :)

6 yards of silk + 4 safety pins + 2 yards of rope from the drapery section at JoAnn Fabrics = a decent toga!

Toga Toga

Pas mal, n'est-ce pas? There are an amazing number of ways to wrap oneself with a large piece of fabric, especially for a picky boy who's modest about his bod - kid in a blanket, Superman cape, beach towel, Buddhist monk, Indian sari, strapless and halter sarong... Looking like Caesar ain't easy. When we finally figured it out, he insisted on rummaging the closet for his plastic Roman sword. And voila, an emperor was made.

Most of the guys were in traditional bedsheets, but there were a few creative ones. No pics of our other toga-clad comrades, out of decency and the kindness of my heart, just this one of the resident pimp:


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